What is Aromatherapy?

What is Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is a gift from and of nature. Aromatherapy is exactly what the name suggests – a ‘therapy’ using ‘aroma’. The aroma that has been captured in the oils of aromatic plants and trees. Many of these are in our gardens and backyards, such as – lavender, rosemary, chamomile, orange, and lime.

Aromatic plants and trees have been used for centuries and date back to the ancient Hebrew, Greek, Arab, Chinese, Indian, and Egyptian civilizations. The therapeutic use of these oils, known as, essential oils, derived from these plants and trees is evident in records as far back as 4500BC

The ancient Egyptians used these Aromatherapy oils as a part of their everyday life. The practice of Aromatherapy uses these essential oils to support the return of balance to our entire being. They enhance our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Primarily these aromatherapy oils tend to relax and ground us, which is the first step towards balance and healing as it opens, and then allows, our entire being and its systems to adjust and align with our ‘default setting’, which results in optimal health.

Once we allow our body to reset to our ‘default’, we find stress and anxiety become less. We sleep better, feel better, and have more energy. Our immune system becomes stronger due to the increase in sleep and the decrease in stress levels. We find that life becomes a reflection of our subtle energy.

 We can use Aromatherapy oils, in the bath, in the laundry wash, or a few drops on a tissue in your pillowcase. The aromatherapy oils can be diluted by putting a few drops in a bottle of carrier oil such as Olive Oil, Almond Oil, or Sunflower Oil, and use this as a body massage oil.

Discover the magic and energy of Aromatherapy as a solo healing modality or experience it in combination with massage.

Aromatherapy and Massage – We are creating a supercharged, multi-tasking therapy. The result – Sublime!